Mini Teacup Puppy
Mini Teacup Puppy is a famous pet dog business in Korea which has a pet dog shop
and a kennel.
We are specialized in teacup puppies. We are not a dirty place like a puppy factory.
We feed enough breast milk of mother dog, inoculate them, and prevent them from being exposed to diseases, and breed small puppies by mating a small father dog and a mother dog.
We do not like the word teacup very much as it can be misunderstood as a small and weak puppy which can easily die. After much research, we found that vulnerable and puppies that die easily are related to inbreeding. Therefore, we never try inbreeding.
We use small but healthy and good-looking mother and father dog to breed small and healthy puppies.
We have know-how to give birth to small, pretty and healthy puppies. That is why so many customers like us and choose Mini Teacup Puppy as their pet shop.
If you select us, Mini Teacup Puppy, you will never regret it.
Promise to you before purchase
Mini Teacup Puppy will do the best for the staffs and puppies. If you have a company tempting you with small, good-looking and good pedigree puppies at a low price anywhere in the world, it is a fraud.
Our motto is to set a reasonable price and sell the best puppy at a bubble-free price. I know some companies advertising teacup puppies but their puppies will grow up to be big dogs. I know some companies advertising good-looking puppies but they will grow up to be ugly dogs. They are scammers. I know that there are some companies that advertise small puppies in the picture and video and then send big and ugly dogs when the customer places an order.
If you select us, you will not experience such disappointment and frustration. If you have a puppy that is different from what you order, you will have your money back. It is our promise.

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